'No Frills' site - 2022 Application
Block located at: 42 Port Street East and 91-93,99 Lakeshore Road East

November 2022 - APPLICATION IN PROCESS: FRAM + Slokker, Kilmer Group and Centre City Capital Limited (CCCL) have submitted plans to redevelop the long-vacant 'No Frills' site (street view) in Port Credit located at 42 Port St East and 91-93,99 Lakeshore Road East.
NOTE: A previous development application by CCCL in 2008 (approved in 2016) is replaced by this new application and revised design. ▶ Former (2008) TOPCA webpage.
▶ DETAILS: Can be found in the Planning Justification Report (64p PDF; cover image shown) submitted by the applicant.
November 2022 - COMMUNITY MEETING: November 22, 2022 @ 6:30 pm re: Improved design since August 2022 images (below) plus submitted development applications for the long-vacant 'No Frills' site in Port Credit. Further meeting information: Councillor Dasko's webpage posting.
PROPOSAL: An 11-storey mixed-use building on Port Street East with 221 residential units and 1,719 square metres of new commercial space oriented along Lakeshore Road. Approximately 249 vehicle spaces are proposed within 2.5 levels of below-grade parking. The existing heritage-listed building (Montgomery House) at the SE corner of Elizabeth Street and Lakeshore Road would be retained in its original location.
Enhancements to the public realm would include creation of a new POPS (Privately Owned Public Space) plaza along Lakeshore Road, as well as streetscape enhancements along Elizabeth Street South and Port Street East.
▶ FACEBOOK POSTING: Posted on TOPCA Facebook where you can make comments. UPDATE: All Facebook comments have now been submitted to the Development Team, Councillor and City Planner (David Ferro).
NEXT STEPS: All public comments at the Community Meeting (November 2022) will be recorded for an Information Report (along with all e-mails, etc. received from anyone in the community) which will be formally presented at a statutory Public Meeting (under the Planning Act) before the Planning and Development Committee (PDC) of Council. Public input at the PDC Meeting will be noted for the Supplementary Planning Report to be issued within the 120 day processing window, containing the Planning staff recommendation to PDC regarding approval (or not) of the application.

August 2022 - RENEWED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Development at 42 Port Street East (AKA the 'No Frills' site) will finally be proceeding. The dilapidated old eye-sore currently residing in the heart of Port Credit -- the vacant former No Frills grocery store -- has a new development team. On August 16, 2022, TOPCA reps along with other community stakeholders attended a virtual meeting that included the site’s current owner (Dr. Bill James) as well as a new development partner, the FRAM Building Group, who are honing a revised application to develop the site.
The development proposal has been sent to the city’s DARC (Development Application Review Committee) and received recommendations including: massing on Port Street should include additional stepping and transition, as well as a request for further analysis on how the heritage building (Montgomery House, known as the Archtop Café building) could be better incorporated into the building design.
IMAGES: The concept renderings shown above are pre-DARC and do not reflect any of the requests or further revisions that will appear in the formal application. Left: Lakeshore Road East NW perspective. Right: Port Street East SW perspective.
The address will be 42 Port Street with retail/commercial on the Lakeshore Road East frontage, and a substantial setback along Elizabeth Street to allow for heavier landscaping and public realm amenities leading south to the (planned) re-developed waterfront.
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