CLC: Enabling new housing at 1 Port Street East

September 2024 - CLC ANNOUNCEMENT: "Following the announcement of Budget 2024, Canada Lands Company (CLC) is making progress towards addressing the ongoing housing crisis. On August 25, 2024, the federal government launched the Canada Public Land Bank mapping tool that helps the public and builders easily identify available public land across Canada to expedite new housing.
"Canada Lands Company has presently listed eight of its properties in the Public Land Bank, to be utilized to provide housing where it’s needed most, including the 1 Port Street East parcel [image at left, from the Public Land Bank]
"The site, located in Mississauga, includes 7.4 hectares/18.3 acres of development land located on the waterfront in Port Credit. The City of Mississauga approved master plan outlines a vision for the site’s redevelopment, including affordable housing, mixed-use residential and commercial space, a new public marina, parks, waterfront trail, public access to the waterfront, and other place-making opportunities.
▶ "To learn more, visit CLC's 1 Port Street East property webpage. We look forward to keeping you informed on our progress as we continue efforts to making a measurable difference in the supply of housing in the communities that we are developing."
▶ NOTE: James Cox, then Senior Director, Real Estate (Ontario), Canada Lands Company, made a presentation and announcement at the TOPCA Town Hall (May 23, 2017) concerning conveyance of 2+ acres of waterfront land plus the entire 50+ acre waterlot to the City of Mississauga "which would assist in ensuring the long-term protection and reinvestment in the marina". This is an exceptional gift and opportunity for Mississauga to realize the Inspiration Port Credit vision, with a time line sufficient to conduct an EA and start marina construction by 2027, the deadline specified by CLC; otherwise, the gift may be retracted.
Port Credit Marina Environmental Assessment - PIC #3

September 2023 - PIC #3 took place virtually, September 14 – October 31, 2023, per NOTICE (1p PDF; image at left).
"The City is preparing a summary document of EA PIC #3, with responses to questions submitted through the survey and next steps."
▶ See: City's 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina webpage for updates.
Port Credit Marina EA - PIC #2 SUMMARY

December 2022 - PIC #2 SUMMARY RELEASED: The City has posted a summary document (9p PDF) and video (26:44 min.) summarizing PIC #2 (held August 2022), and responses to questions submitted through the Survey concluded in September 2022. IMAGE: cover page.
EXCERPT: "This EA pertains to the lakefill and the general distribution of uses on the lakefill. The ultimate configuration of the marina and programming of park space will be determined during detailed design. The City received 127 completed surveys and over 330 views to the online presentation. The feedback gathered will inform the refinement of the preferred large lakefill alternative."
Port Credit Marina EA - PIC #2 and SURVEY

September 2022 - The City is proceeding with the next step in the Environmental Assessment of the proposed new Marina development at One Port Street, with PIC #2 open as of August 25, 2022.
▶ See: The City's 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina webpage. Participate in virtual Public Information Centre #2 anytime until September 22, 2022.
▶ A recorded presentation (26:43 minutes) explains the preferred lakefill alternative identified in PIC #1 (February 2022).
▶ Feedback is sought through an online SURVEY on the preferred alternative, to publicly affirm the 3.7 acre ~lakefill~ plan to relocate the historic full-service Port Credit Marina and retain the City's unique deep-water port on the north shore of Lake Ontario.
POP-UP: In addition to the virtual engagement, the City also held a pop-up event on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at Credit Village Marina, attended by 170 people. Staff were onsite to answer questions and discuss the EA PIC #2 materials.
Port Credit Marina - Province refuses ICIP Funding

October 2020 - In late 2019 the City made application for a partial funding opportunity for the future of a full-service working marina in Port Credit, in response to a Federal/Provincial program called ICIP, specifically: "Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community, Culture and Recreation Funding Applications.”
APPLICATION DENIED: Earlier this year, the City was informed that the Province would not promote Mississauga's ICIP application to the federal level. As noted in the Mississauga News article (October 21, 2020): Mississauga's plans for ‘vital’ $71M Port Credit marina in doubt after province denies funding pitch.
In response, Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko has written an Op-Ed submission (1p PDF; October 21, 2020) to the Mississauga News, entitled It is time to fight for the survival of the Port Credit Marina, noting that investment needs to be secured from all levels of government in order to 'Keep the Port in Port Credit'. ► Click image of Letter (at left) to zoom.

▶ View: TOPCA's Visual Deputation - 'Keep the Port in Port Credit' (35-slide PDF) made October 30, 2019 at the General Committee of Council (GC) in support of the City's proposed ICIP application. It presents the case that the Port Credit Marina is a valuable waterfront INDUSTRY with great contributions to make to city building, tourism, economic activity (150+ marina jobs), place-making and the cultural identity of Mississauga's urban waterfront.
One Port Street East - EA Process for Proposed Marina

July 2020 (update) - TERMS OF REFERENCE - SUBMITTED: The City submitted the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Terms of Reference to the Province on July 10, 2020. Approval may take approximately six months.
▶ View: Terms of Reference Notice of Submission (1p PDF).
▶ REVIEW: Terms of Reference (92p PDF; cover shown at left) via link on 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina webpage.
BACKGROUND: In July 2019, the City of Mississauga initiated an Individual Environmental Assessment (EA) process under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act for the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Project.

A well-attended Public Information Update was held at the Port Credit Legion on January 29, 2020 (promotional visual at left).
The EA will study the proposed expanded land base on what is known as the 'Eastern Breakwater' for additional waterfront parkland, and examine marina alternatives for this site, in view of the planned development by Canada Lands Company on the present site of the full-service Port Credit Harbour Marina.
▶ View: TOPCA's Response (5p PDF; March 2, 2020) to the City project team, commenting on the Final Draft Terms of Reference.

January 2020 - The City of Mississauga initiated an Individual Environmental Assessment (EA) under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act for the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Project in July 2019. Draft Terms of Reference are ready for presentation at PIC #2 (cover image below).
The EA will study the proposed expanded land base on what is known as the 'Eastern Breakwater' for additional waterfront parkland, and examine marina alternatives for this site, in view of the planned development by Canada Lands Company on the present site of the full-service Port Credit Harbour Marina (PCHM).

► View: Notice of Draft Terms of Reference and Public Information Centre #2 (1p PDF).
► View: Final Draft Terms of Reference (81p PDF) prepared by Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. (cover image at left).
► View: TOPCA's Response (5p PDF; issued March 2, 2020) commenting on the Final Draft Terms of Reference.
► MISS THE MEETING? Meeting Presentation slides and display Panels are posted here.

KEEP THE PORT IN PORT CREDIT: TOPCA reps made a Deputation at the General Committee of Council (GC) on October 30, 2019 in support of the City's proposed application for a partial funding opportunity for the future of a full working marina in Port Credit, in response to a Federal/Provincial program called ICIP, specifically: "Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community, Culture and Recreation Funding Applications.”
► View: TOPCA Visual Deputation - 'Keep the Port in Port Credit' (35-slide PDF).
Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko had sought support from all the Port Credit community groups given that a previous City Budget Committee meeting deferred the application to further review the marina project, seeking clarity about the marina's function, the project cost breakdown ($71M), the division of lands between the City and Canada Lands Corporation and the economic benefits of a Public Marina. Some Councillors at Budget Committee confused this waterfront INDUSTRY with a yacht club unworthy of public funding, which is clearly not the case, but it had to be proven at Mississauga Council (GC).
NOTE: The Inspiration Port Credit Master Plan is clear on the rationale to: Enable the continuation of the site’s historic marina function, which is key to the cultural identity of the Port Credit community; and, Support marina and other business activity, for the benefit of the City and its residents.
After all the presentations and discussion, Council voted unanimously to make the funding application (see Minutes per Item 8.1). Funding from this stream is still not guaranteed.
► For background about what is at stake, view the Councillor's web-article: www.stephendasko.com/marina-of-port-credit

SPECIAL POP-UP: Sunday, September 29, 2019 @ 10am - 12noon. The EA (Environmental Assessment) Team from the City Parks Dept. for the One Port Street East Proposed Marina Project will be on-site (NE corner of the parking lot) with a pop-up display to update the community about the Project, especially if you missed the Public Info Centre at Clarke Hall on July 18, 2019.
ALL ARE WELCOME TO DROP BY (you don't have to be part of the TOPCA ride, per Poster).
This exhibit may be of special interest to residents in the Port Street area, anyone with a boat (or plans for one), and anyone enthusiastic about 'Keeping the Port in Port Credit'. The TOPCA Heritage Bike Tour riders will be able to briefly check out the exhibit en route!

PROPOSED PORT CREDIT MARINA - PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1: Thursday, July 18, 2019 @ 4:00 - 8:00 pm (Presentation @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Memorial Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West in Port Credit.
TOPCA has received the following communication from Shoreplan Engineering Limited (June 28, 2019):
"The City of Mississauga is initiating an Individual Environmental Assessment under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act for the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Project. The environmental assessment will study the proposed expanded land base for additional waterfront parkland and examine marina alternatives for this site. The City recognizes that this project may affect your interests and is reaching out to begin engagement on the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina Project.
"The first steps in the environmental assessment process involve introducing the project during a Public Information Centre (PIC) and the preparation of a Terms of Reference for this project. We attach the Notice of Commencement and our invitation to attend the first PIC on July 18th at Clarke Memorial Hall with an open house at 4:00 pm and a presentation at 6:30 pm.
"The Terms of Reference will set out the City’s framework and work plan for addressing the Environmental Assessment Act requirements when preparing the Individual Environmental Assessment, including such things as the alternatives that will be considered and the consultation activities that will be carried out. If approved by the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks, the Terms of Reference will provide the framework for the preparation of the Individual Environmental Assessment. The City has retained the firm Shoreplan Engineering Limited to complete the Individual Environmental Assessment process.
"We encourage your active participation in the environmental assessment process by attending consultation events or visiting the project webpage www.mississauga.ca/1portstreeteast. Consultation opportunities are planned throughout the environmental assessment process and will be advertised on the City of Mississauga’s project website, in local papers, and by direct email to those on the mailing list."
► See: City's 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina webpage for this EA project.
► Slide excerpt from the City Presentation at PIC #1 in July 2019:
PORT CREDIT MARINA LANDS - OPA: Official Plan Amendment for the Port Credit Marina Lands (owned by Canada Lands Co. at One Port Street) is at the City's Planning & Development Committee (PDC) on Monday, June 12, 2017 @ 7:00 pm at Mississauga City Hall in the Council Chamber. Watch the live stream VIDEO.
► View the PDC Agenda (item 4.4) with a Report on Public Comments and text of the Revised OPA (on pp58-115 of the PDF), further to the previous PDC meeting (Sept. 6, 2016)
► TOPCA will be making a DEPUTATION at PDC, based on the outcomes of the TOPCA Waterfront Town Hall meeting (May 23, 2017), and it will be posted here afterwards.
NOTE: The Marina Action Plan is a separate (but integral) process which will be brought to Planning & Development Committee (PDC) in Fall 2017.
held a Waterfront Town Hall Meeting on May 23, 2017
at Clarke Hall re: The Port Credit (CLC) Marina Lands and the
West Village Port Credit
Draft Plan for the former Imperial Oil brownfield lands. Attendance: 290
► Andrew Whittemore, Director of Policy Planning for the City of Mississauga,
together with Ruth Marland, Strategic Leader for
Inspiration Port Credit, and Mary Ellen Bench, City Solicitor, made
PRESENTATION (14p PDF) regarding development of the unique aspects of the
Marina Lands OPA to govern
complex implementation over an extended time, and address other TOPCA concerns per the
TOPCA Commentary (May 5, 2017) including the Marina Action Plan expected in Fall 2017.
NOTE: TOPCA reps appreciated meeting with this staff team (May 17, 2017) to thoroughly review TOPCA's concerns regarding the OPA process / content, and the City's proposed solutions (presented at the Town Hall).
► James Cox, Director of Real Estate, Canada Lands Company, made a PRESENTATION and ANNOUNCEMENT at the Town Hall (May 23, 2017) concerning conveyance of 2+ acres of land plus the entire 50+ acre waterlot to the City of Mississauga "which would assist in ensuring the long-term protection and reinvestment in the marina". Below is an excerpt slide.
► Mississauga South MPP the Hon. Charles Sousa made a STATEMENT (read) at the Town Hall (May 23, 2017).
► Mississauga-Lakeshore MP Sven Spengemann made a STATEMENT (via Video) at the Town Hall (May 23, 2017).
► Click for Blog article in the Mississauga News by John Stewart, regarding the CLC Marina Lands announcement at the TOPCA Waterfront Town Hall: Canada Lands donation is potential waterfront breakthrough (June 5, 2017)
TOPCA COMMENTARY: May 5, 2017 - The TOPCA Executive submitted a written Commentary to the City of Mississauga concerning Public Process for the Port Credit Marina Lands at One Port Street since the TOPCA Town Hall Meeting 'Have We Missed the Boat?' (see below). The greatest concern is the status of the promised Marina Action Plan to transition the Marina to a new eastern breakwater. WE EXPECT THE CONCERNS TO BE ADDRESSED AT THE TOWN HALL.
► View the TOPCA Commentary (May 5, 2017) (5p PDF).
TOWN HALL MEETING: Tuesday, Sept 20, 2016 @ 7:00-9:00 pm at Clarke Hall(Doors
Open @ 6:30pm) *ALL WELCOME*
We're holding a local citizen-led forum for our members and other stakeholders in the Port Credit community, to discuss implications of the Official Plan Amendment for 1 Port Street (see below), and the forthcoming development process at the Marina Lands.
We are delighted that Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey and MPP Hon. Charles Sousa are attending in addition to Inspiration Port Credit staff from the City of Mississauga, and representatives from Canada Lands Company.
The public comments generated will be added to the Information Report which staff will present to PDC prior to any Council approval of the OPA (no sooner than November). Note there will be no release of the land for development without an approved OPA. Any other concerns re Port Credit developments can of course be discussed as well, as they are all part of the same issue of how Port Credit evolves as a whole (oh, and how we live through the construction!) It will be great to get together!
1. Protecting for a full-service Marina
2. Maximizing public realm
3. Defining the density well
4. Ensuring mixed-use
5. Iconic building
6. Maintaining the public process through time
7. Any other issues
► Click for TOPCA's Town Hall PRESENTATION (30p PDF slide show)
► Click for Blog article in the Mississauga News by John Stewart, who attended the Town Hall: Residents seek more public parkland in marina reboat (Sept 23, 2016)
The City's public Planning and Development Committee (PDC) meeting concerning the
DRAFT Official Plan Amendment in reflection of the
Master Plan for the
Port Credit Marina Lands took place on
September 6, 2016 in the Council Chamber at City Hall.
► Click here for 2-page MEETING NOTICE sent to Port Credit residents.
TOPCA reps made a DEPUTATION (Sept. 6, 2016) at this meeting, and encourage any members who wish to voice their comments to send their written comments as instructed in the Notice. TOPCA is also holding a Town Hall Meeting (see above).
The City's public Planning and Development Committee meeting concerning the
City's Draft Master Plan for the MARINA LANDS
took place on May 30, 2016.
► TOPCA made a DEPUTATION (May 30, 2016) (6p PDF).
► View the City's Master Plan on the Inspiration Port Credit website (Image of the City's 3-D model below).
► Click for the PDC Agenda and Corporate Report (p65-154)
The TOPCA Executive, in conjunction with other Residents Associations in Lakeview, Mineola (Credit Reserve) and Cranberry Cove,
along with the Port Credit Village Project, conducted a Round Table
meeting on May 26, 2016, with the parties concerned i.e. the City
project leaders and
Canada Lands
Company (CLC), to be sure we fully understand what the parties’ next steps are to
ensure a
full-service Marina. Still unknown is who will pay for its development. In addition, we sought clarification as to public realm provision (we don’t think
it is enough), proposed heights and density, and mixed-use site configuration. There are in fact two (2) master plans, and we want to ensure the City’s is robust in
its Vision and detail based on the extensive citizen input, before CLC
(i.e. its development partner) begins submitting applications.
TOPCA reps are attending: On November 26, 2013, CLC convened a meeting of the Community Advisory Panel regarding wide-spread concerns expressed in the Port Credit community about CLC's Master Plan for the federal harbour lands.
At TOPCA's Town Hall meeting on November 25, 2013 at Clarke Hall, MP Stella Ambler issued a statement that she is "opposed to the [CLC] Plan" and has informed the Prime Minister that she will be working with the community to get a design that works for the community.
► Click to view the Letter from MP Stella Ambler (hard copy: Nov 26, 2014).
See TOPCA's concerns below.
PUBLIC PROCESS: Canada Lands Company
(CLC) is developing a master plan for the 1
Port Street site (Google map) through consultation with the community.
The property includes an approximately 51 acre (20.6 hectare) waterlot (including the sunken Ridgetown) and 17 acres (6.8 hectares) of tableland on Lake Ontario at the mouth of the Credit River.
► Click logo image for CLC's One Port Street WEBSITE for project description.
UrbanToronto article (July 19, 2013): Mississauga Considers Major Redevelopment at Port Credit Harbour.
TOPCA has convened a Roundtable focus group (first meeting: June 23, 2013) of TOPCA members and citizen colleagues to draft our formal response to the City (Inspiration Port Credit), which will be circulated to all TOPCA members for final comments. Our preliminary concerns are outlined below.
► Click cover image to access the 90 page report.
CONCEPT MASTER PLAN PRESENTED: On March 7, 2013, the consultants for Canada Lands Company presented their concept for phased development of the Harbour Marina Lands, culminating in the demonstration scenario shown here (slide #96 of the 97p PDF of the presentation) which is now posted. Click image below for enlargement.
TOPCA's Preliminary List of Concerns and Comments Heard:
1. OMB risk - Will CLC stick to their commitment at TOPCA’s March 2011 public meeting (Ramping up the Vision) that CLC may not be the builder, but will control the development until construction is complete to ensure that builders can’t undermine the master plan and appeal to the OMB for changes?
At the March 7, 2013 meeting, we heard for the first time that CLC would NOT be involved once builders purchased pieces of the property, beyond having provided a conceptual master plan. What is to stop builders from seeking to deviate from the plan? Why then have a master plan?
2. Land valuation - Since it is currently public land, its value has yet to be set based on allowable land uses and intensity. The decisions made here will also have an impact on adjacent properties and the Imperial Oil lands. We need to know the estimated land value based on the new Port Credit District Local Area Plan and how that compares to the estimated land value based on the consultant’s proposal which appears to triple or quadruple the allowed GFA from 2-3 storeys to: 4-6 storeys and 8 & 14+ storey towers.
Building costs may be one influence CLC can’t control, but we need to know how much of the proposal’s viability is based on inflated land and water lot costs.
3. Residential creep - This was very noticeable at the 3rd meeting proposal (March 7, 2013) after it was revealed that 1,000 to 1,500 residential units are now being baked into the financials. Considerable concern has been voiced consistently by citizens from the first meeting about minimizing residential land uses. The plan we saw could conceivably end up mostly residential + a bit of ground floor retail.
If this is to be a truly mixed development, let’s set mandatory minimum and maximum limits on residential, commercial and industrial/artisan uses even if it takes time for the total development to be realized.
4. Public realm – Many felt that not enough public realm has been preserved in the scenario presented on March 7th to meet the needs for green open space and appropriate routes for pedestrians, cyclists and motorized vehicles. In fact what is proposed for parkland/open space is below standard, and 'payment in lieu' is felt to be unacceptable.
There is no way to 'compensate' for the deficit in open space, which precludes full realization of the mixed-use vision for the site. It is disappointing that the nether-most tip of the property is not left open as public space, but is half-consumed with a condo.
5. Marina use – The possibility of the Marina use being moved to the east breakwater to address concerns about safety, access, space, convenience and boat storage was not adequately evaluated and presented and requires further engineering and shoreline analysis along with additional public input, now that it has been raised as an option. Storms from the east are not inconsequential and the 'variant' of using the eastern breakwater for motor vehicles may prove unworkable.
Much work still needs to be done on the boat storage issue -- alternate approaches (e.g. at the Imperial Oil brownfield lands) need to be fully assessed; mere 'assumptions' for such a significant decision need to be verified before the harbour site design proceeds without it.
It is felt that the Marina use is being 'squeezed out' and will be lost through attrition. Surely this use should be privileged on the site to ensure this unique deep water port and full-service marina continue to keep the port functional, authentic and vibrant.
6. Proposed Hurontario LRT – There is a proposal by CLC to further re-route the potential LRT down Stavebank Road to the Lake, given that the City's design process has included the possibility of the LRT extending along Port Street. This extension is seen by CLC as supportive of intensification of the One Port Street site and its built form aspirations. There needs to be far more evaluation of the entire LRT business case, and the viability of a Port Street extension, let alone a Stavebank Road piece. The Master Plan should not be based on speculative transit links.
In December 2011, representatives of 3 local
residents’ associations (including TOPCA) and other groups in Port Credit met with
facilitators from the
Canadian Urban
Institute (CUI) retained by
Canada Lands Company (CLC). The purpose of the series of
small meetings was to solicit stakeholders' thoughts and opinions
regarding a process for the development of a master plan for CLC's
site at 1 Port Street
East (Google map).
► Click to view the C.U.I. (consultant's) REPORT released January 20, 2012 (3p PDF). Summarizes all the stakeholder input received in December 2011.
► Click AERIAL PHOTO for Google Maps enlargement and context.
March 7, 2013 at the WATERSIDE INN.
At this meeting, the draft Master Plan concept will be presented followed by interactive round table discussions.
► Click image for full-size POSTER.
MEETING #2: October 18, 2012.
The purpose of this second community consultation session is to build on ideas contributed (click for REPORT) at the first public meeting on May 29, 2012 (click for PRESENTATIONS) about redeveloping the 1 Port Street site. The session will begin with presentations followed by interactive round table and full room discussions.
► Click image for full-size POSTER.
Below is a rendering from the CLC-sponsored PRESENTATION on October 18, 2012 [slide 121]:
(3) public meetings regarding the future use of this property, starting on May 29, 2012
► Click image for full-size POSTER.
RIDGETOWN: The Port Credit Directions Report (PDF pp8,73) referenced the importance of the Ridgetown to the harbour and community as a cultural heritage feature. The community will be able to address this issue once the tertiary study for the Port Credit Harbour Marina lands begins following the Inspiration Lakeview study.
► Mississauga News (August 9, 2010): City initiates Lakeview study.
► Wikipedia: "The RIDGETOWN (launched June 24, 1905 as WILLIAM E. COREY, a Lake Bulk freighter) has been a signature structure of Port Credit since June 21, 1974, when she was loaded with stone and, with her cabins and stack still in place, sunk as a breakwater for the Port Credit Harbour. She remains on guard there today."
Copyright © 2021 TOPCA - Town of Port Credit Association. All Rights Reserved.