Port Credit PARKS:
Harold E. Kennedy Park
Lions Hall, Outdoor Pool and Park
- With Port Credit Pool reaching an age where significant capital repair and rehabilitation are required, a $7 million redevelopment is scheduled to start in Spring 2010. There are plans to tear down Lions Hall and rebuild a smaller facility adjacent to the new 25M outdoor pool and a wade-in pool. The tennis courts will be moved to PCSS. Although the Outdoor Pool will be closed for the 2010 season, it will be ready for the 2011 season. Lions Park will also be redeveloped.
- Click for information on the Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) program which made this project possible. Click to view project updates on the City's webpage.
- FOCUS: Local residents and representatives of residents' groups (including TOPCA) attended a preliminary focus meeting about elements of the redevelopment and provided their input on Nov. 10, 2009, including the need for accessible public washrooms and a public meeting room. Click here to view the Nov. 30, 2009 Letter from the City in response.
- A Public Information Session was held on December 2, 2009 about the redevelopment of Lions Park, Hall and Pool, along with other local ISF projects in Ward 1. Click here for FLYER.
- PUBLIC ART: There was a Public Meeting with particular focus on the opportunities for public art and/or interpretative features in Lions Park on Dec. 16, 2009 at the Port Credit Library (Texaco Room). A Call for Artists will be forthcoming, based on public input received.
- LETTER RECEIVED: A Letter from Paul Mitcham, Commissioner of Community Services, was sent to local citizen groups on January 5, 2010 regarding the community's request for on-site public washrooms for Lions Park users. Click here to view the letter.
- CALL FOR ARTISTS: The City of Mississauga is seeking to commission an artist, or team of artists, who can bring an innovative approach to the design of a public artwork (total value $50,000) for the redevelopment of Lions Park in Port Credit. Submission deadline: Wed, May 5, 2010 @ 4:00 p.m. NOTE: The City has clarified that this short deadline is for CVs and Portfolios only, NOT for proposals. Prospective artists will be briefed about the significant public input which has gone into visioning the public art component for Lions Park. Full details can be viewed at: http://www.mississauga.ca/file/COM/FA_49_595_10.pdf.
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